January 24, 2024
How New Volunteer Coordinators Can Craft a Vision for Volunteer Program Success
Joined by: 
Hunter Williams
Little Green Light

This webinar serves to equip new (or experienced) volunteer coordinators with practical tools to drive sustained program development and/or growth. You’ll learn practical tools and actionable insights on how to create a vision for your volunteer program that encapsulates your core values and mission and also serves as a guiding light for the success of your volunteer initiatives. Lastly, you’ll discover how to leverage your vision to attract new volunteers, forge strategic partnerships, and create a ripple effect of positive impact within your community.

Learning Takeaways:

  • Learn to craft a vision that not only resonates with your organization's mission but also inspires volunteers to engage and contribute meaningfully.
  • Discover how volunteer management has changed post-pandemic and how this impacts your volunteer program's growth objectives
  • Explore how to set specific, measurable, and achievable goals for your volunteer program
  • Gain valuable insights into each component of volunteer program development: from effective recruitment strategies to creating a supportive environment for volunteer retention.

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