Delivering great customer service is key for any organization. But for non-profits like yours, it can be difficult to make sure your volunteers are giving the best service. So we've put together a few must-know tips to help your volunteers nail customer service!

1.Create a Positive Learning Environment

Nurturing a positive learning environment in your organization can be challenging. It takes effort, dedication, and the right tools to make it happen.

Build a supportive culture

The relationship between your organization and your volunteers will shape how your volunteers work and perform, so it's important to treat them the same way you would treat your staff. Doing this will help you establish a strong working relationship and a great learning environment.

Encourage open communication

Provide your volunteers with clear and open communication paths with prompt responses. Being transparent and honest is always a great way to create a supportive learning environment.

Foster a sense of community

Get your volunteers involved in activities with your non-profit's staff - it's a great way to create a sense of community. Also, it helps to have volunteers who are already part of the community you're helping out.

2.Use Interactive and Fun Activities

Volunteer training doesn't have to be done in a stuffy classroom. Get creative and use fun activities to help everyone learn how to work together!

Customer service simulation

A customer experience simulation is when volunteers engage with the non-profit as a client would giving them an idea of the obstacles they might face when helping community members. They can visualize the frustration or dissatisfaction clients feel when something is not working or when their expectations aren't met.

Group games

Volunteer managers can review protocols to come up with trivia questions for volunteers. The fun competition of the training session can help volunteers confirm their existing knowledge and remember new information.

Scavenger hunts

Scavenger hunts are awesome because they get people moving - be it physically or virtually. Participants can explore your database, facility, or neighborhood for clues related to key customer service tips.

3.Provide Relevant and Engaging Training Material

You need to make sure the training is tailored to the needs of your volunteers butise engaging enough to keep them interested. Striking the right balance between providing enough information and keeping it enjoyable is essential for a successful training program.

Videos and online resources

Volunteers can benefit much more from a short video clip rather than an email alone outlining the steps they need to take. Using Loom or Zoom to show the issue and how to fix it will make the concepts easier to understand.

Case studies and real-life examples

Making connections between everyday life and what your volunteers are learning is a great way to understand how useful the material can be. It's easy to see the value when they can relate to it.

Guest speakers and experts

Inviting a representative from another organization to a board meeting can be a great way to up your customer service game. They can give you tips and strategies that have made it possible for them to offer exemplary service.

4.Offer Incentives and Recognition

Incentives are a great way to keep volunteers motivated and engaged in their training. Rewarding the volunteers who show exceptional customer service skills shows them you appreciate their hard work and dedication.

Recognition programs for outstanding volunteers

Recognizing volunteers who go the extra mile is a must! Make it personal and memorable by identifying them by name at a volunteer appreciation event. You can even highlight them on your website and social media to encourage others to continue to give great customer service.

Special perks for those who excel in customer service

Who doesn't love perks? Offering gift cards or giving your volunteers special privileges like being able to use a special parking spot gives them something to work toward. Of course, the civic service itself means a lot to them already; sometimes the bonuses help motivate them to give a little more.

Celebrating success and milestones

Milestones such as reaching a certain number of volunteer hours or having been with your non-profit for a certain amount of time are excellent opportunities to offer special recognition. The same can be done with customer service. When community members give feedback about their experience acknowledging a specific volunteer, they should be celebrated for that.

Master customer service with Civic Champs

Give your volunteers the support they need to deliver top-notch customer service.

  • Make sure they have a positive learning space
  • Use interactive activities
  • Give them material that's interesting and stimulating
  • Reward and recognize their efforts.

Your volunteers will be proud of their work, stay loyal to your organization, and ultimately provide excellent customer service. As part of our volunteer management software, we make it easy to track and maintain volunteer customer service training and achievements. Talk with one of our experts to see how Civic Champs can help your volunteers give their best to your cause!

About the Author:
Geng Wang

As CEO of Civic Champs, I lead our team of passionate change leaders to create technology solutions to create a seamless and rewarding volunteering experience for both volunteers and service organizations.