Salsa Engage is now integrated with Civic Champs - bring the power of streamlined volunteer management to the Salsa SmartEngagement Platform
Using Civic Champs with Salsa's platform provides you with the tools you need to track and manage volunteers - along with the ability to include your volunteers in all of your communication, outreach, and fundraising activities. The combined platformed offers:
- Bi-directional integration - so volunteer information flows seamlessly between Salsa Engage and Civic Champs.
- Volunteer segmentation through group synchronization in Salsa's CRM tool so that they can be tracked and reported on separately.
- Specific targeted messaging for volunteers through fundraising, email, and text campaigns.

To learn more about the integration, visit Salsa's website here >>
To watch a webinar that includes a mini-demo of the Civic Champs platform & integration with Salsa Engage, click here >>

As CEO of Civic Champs, I lead our team of passionate change leaders to create technology solutions to create a seamless and rewarding volunteering experience for both volunteers and service organizations.