The month of June celebrates pride and all of the members of the LGBTQ+ community, and is dedicated toward empowering, uplifting, and celebrating individuals who have faced or continue to face marginalization, discrimination, and a lack of visibility, equality and dignity across society.

At Civic Champs, we believe in working with organizations that support this community, along with other communities that face severe marginalization. To extend our solidarity and encourage folks to ignite volunteerism in their cities and neighborhoods this month, we have compiled a list of organizations and nonprofits that directly support the LGBTQ+ community. Included in this article are organizations at both the local and national level, and a variety of ways to lend support through both direct action and virtually.  

We encourage you to use these resources as a guide in your Pride support efforts, and that you continue to support the LGBTQ+ community not just during this month, but year-round as well.

San Francisco, CA

With its colorful purple exterior, hand painted murals, and army of pride flags, the SF LGBT Center is a historic building that cannot be missed by anyone who passes it. The vibrancy of the outside is matched inside, as it offers a plethora of opportunities and resources to SF’s diverse population. From employment opportunities to financial health seminars to poetry slams, the center is committed to fostering a welcoming environment to members of the LGBTQ+ community. Volunteer opportunities include administrative work, event planning, HR assistance, and joining 1000+ other volunteers all committed to celebrating pride.

Founded in 1998, Openhouse SF is an organization dedicated toward providing LGBTQ+ older adults and seniors with housing and community meetings, all with the intention of  supporting and uplifting the elderly LBBTQ+ community. Volunteers can help with facilitating support groups, coordinating events, and administering data entries. There is also an opportunity to get involved directly with isolated seniors by volunteering to do essential errands including grocery pick-up and prescriptions retrieval for those who like to be constantly moving!  

Pittsburgh, PA

SisTers PGH is a black and trans led nonprofit that specifically serves those who identify as trans and non-binary. This organization offers support groups, transitional housing, and organized marches that all bring visibility to the vibrant LGBTQ+ community in Pittsburgh. Consider volunteering at this impactful organization, by reaching out and offering to help with event planning, fundraising, or working at the community center or pride parades.

Homelessness is an issue faced by many, and youth are not exempt from encountering this struggle. Proud Haven helps LGBTQ+ youth ages 18 to 25 who experience homelessness by providing housing options and valuable resources so they can find the support and stability they need. Beyond the housing services, Proud Haven also offers movie and game nights, arts and crafts, and various workshops, actively cultivating a safe and supportive community for all who participate. Consider getting involved with this organization and contribute to housing security efforts for LGBTQ+ youth!

Austin, TX

Located in the capital of Texas, Equality Texas in Austin is committed to pursuing full equality for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer individuals through political action, community involvement, and integrative education. The passion and dedication of the organization is exemplified by the many victories they have secured over the years, including defeating anti-gay marriage bills, increasing AIDS and HIV funding, and ensuring that  multiple pro-LGBTQ bills made it to legislative hearing. For those that are interested in pursuing political advocacy, volunteering at this organization will not only give you valuable experience in that field, but also the joy of working in such an inclusive and committed environment.

The Austin Gay & Lesbian International Film Festival (also referred to as aGLIFF) is Austin’s first film festival (founded in 1987). While the name aGLIFF remains through branding and the website, the marquee festival has since been renamed PRISM to provide inclusivity to the wide spectrum of the LGBTQ+ community. Through promoting and showcasing films that highlight the queer experience, the organization educates the community about issues faced by many, and advocates for change through compelling images, words, music, art, and storytelling. A variety of volunteer opportunities are available, such as production & content development for media savvy folks, as well as coordination, sponsorship, and fundraising roles.

New York, NY

The energy of the bustling streets of New York City is always unmatched, especially during the pride events put on by NYC Pride, the nonprofit that plans and produces the LGBTQ+ parades. This organization is committed to its mission of inspiring, educating, celebrating, and commemorating the diversity of the New York community. Besides parades, NYC Pride also organizes human rights conferences, family movie nights, and PrideFest, a street fair that celebrates small businesses. Become one of the many volunteers that help this organization thrive and continue its passion of celebrating the spirit of pride!

Sage NYC is one of the nation’s oldest and largest organizations dedicated to improving the lives of the LGBTQ+ older adults and elders. They offer a variety of resources, including housing, care management, and arts & culture, all for the benefit of supporting these communities and helping them maintain a healthy and happy lifestyle. Sage NYC also provides legal support, in the form of case management assistance and legal advice and counsel, as well as services specifically for LGBTQ+ veterans. Volunteers are an essential component of this organization’s success; helping operations run smoothly while working directly with members of the community.


The Trevor Project is the leading national organization providing crisis intervention and suicide prevention services to the LGBTQ+ youth, offering education, resources, and a support system to people under 25 who may struggle with their identity. Their crisis hotline and other services are all provided by professionals, who are trained in suicide prevention and counseling and offer acreddited life-saving and life-affirming programs. To get involved in this accepting and inclusive environment, consider volunteering in one of their many opportunities, including becoming a crisis counselor in digital messaging, a completely remote position.

Online counseling and services have seen a huge increase in use since the pandemic, and the LGBT National Help Center has been continuously offering support to help those that may have nowhere else to turn. This organization offers free and confidential services, including hotlines, chatrooms, and resources designated to help struggling folks. After training, volunteers have the opportunity to become hotline supporters, youth chat room moderators, or resource detectives, providing valuable support and guidance to members of the LGBTQ+ community.

The LGBT Network primarily works with the community in Long Island and Queens, New York, but still offers a wide array of online services that can be accessed by anyone across the nation. This organization hosts pride events, provides certified health navigators, game and movie nights, and even virtual speed dating. For the chance to volunteer at an inclusive and uplifting community, sign up for one of their many events and witness the fun in person!

“Raising today’s youth for tomorrow’s future.” This statement by One n ten accurately depicts the mission of this organization. One n ten works with LGBTQ+ youth and young adults by promoting self-expression, leadership development, and healthy life choices. Their programs are geared towards building a strong and confident community of leaders, by facilitating a safe mental and physical environment for all participants. Currently all of their volunteer opportunities are virtual, so it is a great way to become involved with the flexibility of no location constraints.

The simple act of volunteering not only provides great benefits to organizations and the demographics they strive to help; studies have shown that volunteering positively impacts the health and overall wellbeing of the volunteer as well. Actively choosing to spend time immersed in unique communities can lead to great personal fulfillment that can’t be found in other parts of life. Whether choosing to volunteer in-person or virtually, you are sure to encounter new people and experiences, and learn so much more about the intricacies of the world. Communities are indeed built through giving -- Happy Pride and Happy Volunteering.

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About the Author:
Theresa Wu

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