April 3, 2025
Rob Jackson
Rob Jackson Consulting Ltd

Rob Jackson is Director of Rob Jackson Consulting Ltd, a consultancy and training company that helps engage and inspire people to bring about change. Rob has 30 years experience working in the voluntary and community sector, holding a variety of strategic development and senior management roles that have focused on leading and engaging volunteers. Rob has run his company since 2011 working with a wide range of clients in the UK, Australia, New Zealand, Europe, the USA and Canada. Rob is co-author of The Complete Volunteer Management Handbook (DSC, 2012 and 2019) and From The Top Down - UK Edition (Energize Inc., 2015).


Yes, you read that right. Liars!

In this presentation we’ll explore the thinking is behind this title, discovering along the way some of the important truths about volunteer engagement today and what we as Volunteer Engagement Professionals need to do to be effective at engaging people in our causes.  

You’ll leave the session with some new ideas for seizing opportunities and overcoming challenges that you may well be facing right now. And we may even find out how to stop lying to people too!

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